 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Autodesk Combustion后期特效合成技术训练视频教程

本教程是关于Combustion后期特效合成技术训练视频教程,时长:12小时,大小:7.9 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,教程使用软件:Combustion,作者:Data Training Campus,共94个章节,语言:英语。



软件提供了大量强大且独特的工具,包括动态图片、三维合成、颜色矫正、图像稳定、矢量绘制和旋转文字特效短格式编辑、表现、Flash输出等功能;另外还提供了运动图形和合成艺术新的创建能力,交互性界面的改进;增强了其绘画工具与3ds max软件中的交互操作功能;可以通过cleaner编码记录软件使其与flint、flame、inferno、fire和smoke同时工作。

4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前4 天前Autodesk Combustion is a computer program for motion graphics, compositing and visual effects. It is commonly likened to Adobe’s After Effects. This software offers digital artists and filmmakers with industry standard tools to create compositing and visual/special effects. This is a one stop tool to paint, animate, edit and compose in 2D and 3D are combined in an integrated environment and easy to use interface. Through this course you will learn animation, 3D compositing, and much more. This course will teach you creating basic composition working with layers, working with alpha channel, working with layer blending and working with layer controls.What you’ll learnThis course will teach you creating basic composition working with layers, working with alpha channel, working with layer blending and working with layer controls.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic Computer KnowledgePassion to learnWho this course is for:StudentsProfessionals in animation and design industryDigital Artists/filmmakersAnyone who wants to learn Compositing and Visual Effects


资源名称: Autodesk Combustion后期特效合成技术训练视频教程

本站编号:  ZH13145


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