 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Bricsys Bricscad智能化专业CAD设计软件V18.2.07.1版

本软件是关于Bricsys Bricscad智能化专业CAD设计软件V18.2.07.1版,大小:270 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

Bricscad™ 是首选DWG格式的CAD替代,它为专业用户提供了完整的识别功 能 ,Bricscad 读写 DWG 图档并与 AutoCAD®2010 高度相容,Bricscad 有非常熟悉 的操作界面,不需要额外的学习。它的DWG兼容性和不断成长中的第三方应用程序(现 已超过160个)结合在一起,使Bricscad成为首选的CAD替代方案。

Bricscad是许多快速成长大型企业的首选CAD平台,它的DWG 相容性加上逐渐增长的第三方应用程序-今天已超过160个,使得Bricscad成为替换AutoCAD ®,或是在现有的AutoCAD基础上增加更多席位的最佳选择。Bricscad V11提供了一系列令人印象深刻的新功能。

A powerful CAD platform, with features familiar to you from native .dwg

applications. BricsCAD unifies advanced 2D design with the intelligence

of 3D direct modeling. For Windows, Linux, and Mac.

BricsCAD offers powerful tools for direct solid modeling using our

geometric constraints solver. Direct modeling operations apply to all

ACIS solid geometry, whether created in BricsCAD or imported.

Furthermore, a key feature of the BricsCAD direct editing capabilities is

the preservation of design intent, vastly simplifying the work on complex


Assembly modeling allows you to organize .dwg files in hierarchical

structures of mechanical components to model complex products. Assemble

your products with both top-down and bottom-up design and compose your

assembly with ease with the powerful 3D constraints between faces and

edges of different mechanical components.

BricsCAD offers powerful tools for direct solid modeling using geometric

constraints solving. Solid models can be modified by defining constraints

between its elements. If there is a 3D constraint which fixes the

placement of faces or edges, this constraint will be preserved during

your modeling operations. It allows you to parametrize any feature of the

3D model.

The new sheet metal design capabilities in BricsCAD create sheet metal

parts by extruding 2D profiles and then adding new flanges through pulled

edges. Bends, junctions and reliefs are added automatically. All direct

modeling operations and 3D constraints can be applied to editing sheet

metal parts. To output designs to computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

systems, sheet metal parts can be unfolded automatically and then

exported to 2D .dxf files.

Since the introduction of direct modeling functions in BricsCAD V12, the

function most requested by users was the ability to generate associative

2D and 3D drawing views from 3D models. With BricsCAD V14, Bricsys

introduces new commands to automatically generate orthographic,

isometric, and section views. The views are updated automatically when

the 3D model changes.

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error 设计软件 专业


资源名称: Bricsys Bricscad智能化专业CAD设计软件V18.2.07.1版

本站编号:  ZH7798


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