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本软件是由maxon公司出品的Maxon Cinema 4D三维设计软件R19.053版,大小:700 MB,支持Win版,语言:多语言。

Cinema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的3D绘图软件,以及高的运算速度和强大的渲染插件著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《阿凡达》有花鸦三维影动研究室中国工作人员使用Cinema 4D制作了部分场景,在这样的大片中看到C4D的表现是很优秀的。在其他动画电影中也使用到C4D的有很多如《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林总动员》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟,很多模块的功能在同类软件中是代表科技进步的成果。

Cinema 4D Release 19提供了更多优秀工具和诸多提升,让你可立即将其投入工作中。设计师因其快速、简单的工作流程大大提示生产力,以及坚如磐石的稳定性而选择Cinema 4D,Release 19 可以让你的工作流程更加快速和可靠,新特性也会让你的视野变得更加开阔。

在新推出的C4D R19版本中,包括GPU渲染器,超强的破碎,提高了视窗的显示质量,增加了新的细节级别工具,扩展了MoGraph工具集。




在R18版本Substance Engine的基础上,还增加了针对游戏制作艺术家们更多的工具,这其中就包括减面系统和一个新的“细节级别”对象。

这个减面系统的工作方式与其他DCC应用程序中的多重减面工具类似,可以在Reduction Strength设置百分数或绝对定点数调整所有物体的密度。减面的过程是预计算的,所以在减面强度或预期顶点数量的速度非常快。当然这个过程它会保留顶点贴图,UV坐标和选择标签。





此次更新引入了一种新的Sound Effector,目的是让用户能够创建由音轨驱动的运动图形,包括特定频率和音量驱动效果选项。


C4D R19更新核心架构仍在持续中。它提高了加载或播放音频,视频的速度以及内存的效率;并增加了对MP4的支持,这意味着Windows用户不在依靠只使用QuickTime格式了。

此外,已经老化的BodyPaint 3D工具获得了基于OpenGL的新3D绘制引擎。

初步集成了AMD的GPU渲染器Radeon ProRender。

这个版本标志着AMD的基于OpenCL的渲染引擎Radeon ProRender与C4D的集成初步完成。目前Radeon ProRender已经针对3DS Max和Maya开发了相应的插件。








Maxon Cinema 4D R19 is an easy-to-use professional program for 3D visualization, with which even novice users can create high-quality animations using 3D-CAD models. The software product contains many tools for character animation, working with hair and imitating clothes, offers several lighting sources, many materials and structures, has a powerful physics engine and network rendering technology that allows you to get results faster.

Main features:

Ability to work with parametric and polygonal objects.

Advanced system of materials and textures.

The possibility of three-dimensional drawing.

Built-in nonlinear animation system.

The presence of a system of dynamics of hard and soft bodies.

Many tools for character animation.

Event-based particle system.

Rendering hair and fur.

Realistic rendering and sketch rendering.

The availability of light sources IES, which makes it easy to create natural lighting.

Support for color profiles.

Built-in image manager.

Support for OpenGL3.

Presence of built-in programming language Python.

Support of real units of measurement.

The presence of a rendering manager.

Import and export files in various formats.

Some innovations of Maxon CINEMA 4D R19:

Viewport. Beautiful graphics while working. With depth of field and reflections in the screen space, you get high quality images in real time, which will also simplify the location of light sources and the setting of reflective surfaces.

Improved destruction. Breaking is easy. Destruction in the Voronoi facilitates parametric breaking of objects - in R19 you can control the dynamics of connectors, glue fragments, add details to them and much more.

Spherical camera. Calculate [virtual] reality. Get in today's trend - calculate video in stereo 360 ° VR for YouTube, Facebook, Oculus or Vive.

Level of detail (LOD). Increase the speed of the viewport and render and prepare objects for the games.

Reduction of polygons. The new generator stores the textures superimposed on the UV coordinates.

Reconstruction of scenes. Create point clouds or the main frame from the calculated motion in footage.

Workflow of creating characters. Deformation in posture space and improved process of creating weights.

Sound effect. Create an animation based on the different frequencies of one MP3 file.

OS: Windows 10 (x64), Windows 8 / 8.1 (x64), Windows 7 (x64).

Language: Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Czech, Chinese


资源名称: Maxon Cinema 4D三维设计软件R19.053版

本站编号:  ZH7815


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