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本软件是关于ANSYS Products有限元分析软件V19.1版,大小:8.8 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

ANSYS Products是款功能非常强大的大型通用有限元分析软件;它集中了流体、声场、结构的等分析,也是由目前为止世界上非常出名的美国ANSYS公司研发推出,并且支持大部分的主流的CAD软件接口,以方便您在使用的过程中进行数据的交换或者共享;软件也是现在为止设计行业里面的CAE工具之一,也让您的使用更加的快速,方便;软件的使用领域非常的广泛,包含了重型机械、汽车工业、运动器械、电子产品等等!Next-Generation Pervasive Engineering SimulationAs the digital and physical worlds become one, products are growing in complexity. Companies are facing unrelenting pressure to innovate, lower cycle times and reduce costs, while also increasing quality and eliminating risk. They’re asking engineers to solve problems that appear unsolvable with current technology.ANSYS 19 empowers all engineers to tame complexity and enhance efficiency for greater productivity. Our latest release updates our industry-leading engineering simulation solutions and offers tools that improve reliability, performance, speed and user experience. New capabilities deliver accurate results for problems that were once difficult or impossible to model. Users with little or no simulation experience can quickly employ the simplified, automated workflows to optimize their product designs. These are just some of the many features that will continue to propel Pervasive Engineering Simulation forward.3D DesignANSYS 19 offers ANSYS Discovery, the new 3D Design family of products that includes ANSYS Discovery Live — the first-ever, real-time simulation environment. These products are architected to empower all engineers to explore their designs and concepts in greater depth and with greater confidence, before validation through flagship solvers. The rapid CAD modeling capabilities of ANSYS Discovery SpaceClaim are now enhanced with assembly configurations and associative exploded views. ANSYS Discovery AIM builds upon topology optimization so users can see the live progression of solving steps and make faster, better informed decisions. And finally, Discovery Live expands the types of boundary condition inputs and displays users have at their disposal, while maintaining the simplicity of the real-time simulation environment.


资源名称: ANSYS Products有限元分析软件V19.1版

本站编号:  ZH13492


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