 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Autodesk MotionBuilder三维角色动画软件V2019版

本软件是由Autodesk机构出品的Autodesk MotionBuilder三维角色动画软件V2019版,大小:660 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。




Alias MotionBuilder是用于游戏、电影、广播电视和多媒体制作的世界一流的实时三维角色动画生产力套装软件。


它的固有文件格式(FBX)使在创建三维内容的应用软件之间具有无与伦比的互用性 — 使MotionBuilder成为可以增强任何现有制作生产线的补充软件包。

MotionBuilder目前已经被用于制作多个知名的娱乐项目,包括《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf)、《战争机器2》(Gears of War 2)、《肖恩·怀特滑雪》(Shaun White Snowboarding) 和《抵抗2》(Resistance 2)。

Autodesk公司发布了MotionBuilder 2019,这是这款运动捕捉播放和编辑软件的最新版本,新增了Clean Up Scene工具,该工具可以减小存档文件的大小。

新的Clean Up Scene工具,另外还更新了Story Window和Camera SwitcherMotionBuilder 2019中新增了Clean Up Scene工具,该工具可以从场景中自动移除空的或未使用的对象,来减少文件尺寸。

现有的功能中,Story Window中新增了波纹编辑,另外还有通过拉伸来同步镜头及其关联镜头长度的选项。


其他更新包括将固定设置保存为预设的选项,Translation工具、Transport Controls和烘焙偏好设置中也增加了新的选项。

这次更新还引入了对FBX 2019.5(最新版Autodesk FBX文件格式)格式的支持,用于接收动画数据,或者在其他DCC软件之间交换这些数据。

Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and civil infrastructure, announced the release of MotionBuilder 2019. This software helps extend the world of high-quality animated production to new audiences, with support for affordable, consumer-level motion capture devices and a library of pre-built moves to cover a number of commonly required animations.In addition, new advanced camera options—animatable Depth of Field and Follow Focus—help artists more readily mimic real-world cinematography, to better preserve directors’ creative intent. Meanwhile, the ability to adjust a character’s position within a marker cloud offers greater flexibility in how captured data is mapped to a CG target that may have different proportions from the original actor.About AutodeskAutodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.


资源名称: Autodesk MotionBuilder三维角色动画软件V2019版

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