 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> LRTimelapse Pro影片微速时间推移软件V5.1.1版

本软件是由lrtimelapse机构出品的LRTimelapse Pro影片微速时间推移软件V5.1.1版,大小:390 MB,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Time-Lapse可以令每一格的影像拍摄时间比正常延迟,即每一格的相距时间长了, 从而制造出快镜效果.相信大家看过不少太阳东升西落,天空中的云朵加速般飘动这类的硬盘。

新功能视频预览:LRTimelapse 5 provides the most comprehensive solution for time lapse editing, keyframing, grading and rendering. No matter if on Windows or Mac, or which camera you use: LRTimelapse will take your time lapse results to the next level.LRTimelapse 5 provides the most comprehensive solution for time lapse editing, keyframing, grading and rendering. No matter if on Windows or Mac, or which camera you use: LRTimelapse will take your time lapse results to the next level. LRTimelapse is being used by most known time lapse producers and many amateurs. It allows keyframing and grading of time lapse sequences in an all-raw-file-based workflow, utilizing the Adobe Camera RAW develop engine implemented in Lightroom (CC Classic, 6, 5 and 4) and Adobe Camera Raw.


资源名称: LRTimelapse Pro影片微速时间推移软件V5.1.1版

本站编号:  ZH13897


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