 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Nuke Studio影视后期特效合成软件11.2V2 WIN MAC LNX版

本软件是由The Foundry公司出品的Nuke Studio影视后期特效合成软件11.2V2 WIN MAC LNX版,大小:2.8 GB,支持Win,Mac与L系统,语言:英语。

NUKE是一个获得学院奖(Academy Award)的数码合成软件。




Nuke合成软件参与制作的著名影视有:I, Robot 机械公敌、《极限特工》xXx、《泰坦尼克号》、T-2、《阿波罗13》、《真实的谎言》、《X战警》等...《NUKE Studio特效合成基础核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:Foundry公司发布了Nuke、NukeX和Nuke Studio 11.1,是其合成产品的最新版本,添加了新的视觉工具,可以用来发现并处理脚本故障,还增添了更多关于文件本地化的控制选项。

Nuke Studio还增添了一个新的工具流程,使得处理源片段跟Nuke本身处理得更一致。






Nuke Studio现在处理的源片段与Nuke处理得更相似Foundry公司还更新了Nuke Studio中处理源片段的方式,结合了合成、编辑和整理软件,让操作流程与Nuke操作流程更一致。


Nuke®, NukeX® and Nuke Studio® offer cutting-edge toolkits for node-based compositing, editorial and review. The Nuke family’s unparalleled flexibility and collaborative workflows help you get the highest quality results-fast. Compositing and much moreAll the tools you need to get the job done, no matter how you’re working. From advanced node-based compositing, to 3D tracking and model building, to editorial and conform, the Nuke range can scale to suit your needs.Highest quality resultsUsed by many of the best VFX houses in the industry, the Nuke family’s state-of-the-art tools make producing pixel perfect, film-grade results both painless and creatively satisfying.Power and performanceBuilt to meet the needs of modern production work, the Nuke family offers unparalleled levels of power and performance, whether you’re a team with a deadline or tackling a solo project.Collaborative workflowEfficient, collaborative workflows lie at the heart of the Nuke range. Easily communicate, share and work together with others, whether you’re sitting side by side or across the globe.Speed and efficiencyWork fast and interactively with Nuke’s cutting-edge toolkits, GPU acceleration and fluid workflows. Everything you need to complete your project on time is built in and ready to go.The perfect fit for your pipelineOpen and customizable, Nuke fits perfectly into your pipeline, with major operating system support, low hardware requirements, support for industry standards like OCIO and Alembic, and a Python API and Pyside included.演示视频:Nuke Studio V11新功能预览:《NUKE Studio特效合成基础核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:


资源名称: Nuke Studio影视后期特效合成软件11.2V2 WIN MAC LNX版

本站编号:  ZH13964


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