 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Unity游戏碰撞物理引擎技术训练视频教程

本教程是关于Unity游戏碰撞物理引擎技术训练视频教程,时长:3小时12分,大小:620 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Unity,附源文件,作者:Marc Gilbert,共7个章节,语言:英语。



Unity 4作为一个游戏开发工具,它的设计主旨就是让你能够创建令人惊讶的游戏。

如果你之前尝试过Unity,请查看Unity 3都做了哪些更新。




《Unity基础核心技能与工作流程训练视频教程》:Physics is really important for game programmers who want to add realism and functionality to their games. Collision detection, in particular, is a problem that affects all game developers, regardless of the platform, engine, or toolkit they use. This course will help you to understand game physics better. You will practice creating your own physics components and improve your knowledge of Newton’s Laws of Motion and their applications to game development. This course will teach you the concepts and formulas behind collision detection. You will also be taught how to build a simple physics engine, where rigid body physics is the main focus, and learn about intersection algorithms for primitive shapes. You will be implementing 2D and 3D primitives, and we’ll show you how to perform effective collision tests and cover one of the harder areas of game development—collision detection and resolution. Further on, you will learn what a physics engine is, how to set up a game window, and how to implement rendering. You’ll also find out how to implement a rudimentary physics engine, which you can use to build an “Angry Birds” type of game or a more advanced game. By the end of this course, you will have gained confidence in translating theories of physics into working game code. You will have implemented all primitive and some advanced collision tests, and you will be able to read on geometry and linear Algebra formulas to take forward to your own games!更多Unity中文教程:《Unity基础核心技能与工作流程训练视频教程》:


资源名称: Unity游戏碰撞物理引擎技术训练视频教程

本站编号:  ZH14475


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