 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> 超高清建筑砖石4K8K贴图合辑

本合辑是由RDT机构出品的超高清建筑砖石4K8K贴图合辑,大小:940 MB,格式:.JPEG,分辨率:4K,8K,包含7组高清贴图合辑。

Real Displacement Textures Volume 2Collection with 25 high detailed, scanned surfaces.Including: Brickwall Pack, Cobblestones Pack 1, Cobblestones and Snow Pack 2, Stonewall PackContains dng and exr files.The scans have:– More than 60.000.000 dense-points,– Polygon-objects with over 10.000.000 faces– Raw scan-textures with up to 16k HDRThe maps are– 100% tileable– No scattering needed– Work with all enginesTo save memory, the depth-map is provided in 16bit (4k=PNG Good for game engines, 8k=TIF Good for passive renderings)All other maps are in 8bit JPG (set to low compression/best available jpg-quality)All scans contain layers of color, roughness, AO, bump, gloss, depth, hi-gloss and normal, making them prepared for PBR and more.


资源名称: 超高清建筑砖石4K8K贴图合辑

本站编号:  ZH15151


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