 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Corel Painter 2020数字美术绘画软件V20.1.0.285版

本软件是关于Corel Painter 2020数字美术绘画软件V20.0.0.256版,大小:820 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Corel Painter是目前世界上最为完善的电脑美术绘画软件, 它以其特有的"Natural Media"仿天然绘画技术为代表, 在电脑上首次将传统的绘画方法和电脑设计完整的结合起来, 形成了其独特的绘画和造型效果。

Corel Painter产品设计理念是为激发您的创作灵感,使用获奖肯定的 Natural-Media® 笔刷自由自在地创作空白画布和照片美化作品。

Corel Painter Essentials 这套的直觉式绘图程式,它的欢迎画面提供您许多强大逼真的艺术创作工具,激励您尽兴地绘画创作,达成您的创作目标。



尽情发挥蛰伏的艺术天份!除了作为世界上首屈一指的自然绘画软件外, Corel Painter在影像编辑、特技制作和二维动画方面, 也有突出的表现, 对于专业设计师, 出版社美编, 摄影师, 动画及多媒体制作人员和一般电脑美术爱好者, Painter都是一个非常理想的图像编辑和绘画工具。

由 Corel 公司所出品的专业绘图软件 - Painter,在绘图的领域里有着相当大的知名度,它能够带给使用者全新的数字化绘图体验,更接近手工素描、绘画的表现,与 Adobe Photoshop 兼容,是您不可或缺的绘图工具,也是您增进数字绘图技术的选择,拥有它,等于拥有了崭新的创造力!《Painter数字绘画全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:Painter2020功能简介:Corel公司发布了Painter 2020,这是这款数字绘画软件的最新版本,新增了Brush Accelerator笔刷加速器工具,同时最常用的笔刷中支持GPU加速。


新增了笔刷加速器工具,通过GPU加速主要笔刷的速度最高提升了“67倍”Corel公司表示,Painter 2020版本着重软件性能的更新,尤其是使用大尺寸画布和大尺寸笔刷时的性能。






Painter2020新的笔刷类别:新的Fast and Simple和Fast and Ornate笔刷类别其他新功能包括两个新的笔刷类别,分别是Fastand Simple和Fast and Ornate笔刷类别。


现有的Watercolor(水彩)和Digital Watercolor(数字水彩)类别中新增了五款Expressive笔刷。



选择器中还新增了一个紧凑模式,画布上的TemporalColor Wheel中新增了选择菜单,其中包含方便惯用左手用户使用数位笔的新模式。



另外,Brush Selector界面已被修改,现在无需将鼠标悬停在画笔上,即可显示出笔刷和笔触的预览效果。



Painting software custom-built for serious artists. Why not try the original, time-tested, digital painting software built by artists, for artists? Our virtual art studio has exceeded the creative expectations of illustrators, concept, fine, photo and manga artists for over 25 years! We know that Painter® 2020 will make you a passionate artist too.Digital art & painting software– NEW Brush Accelerator™– NEW Interface advancements– NEW Improved Brush Selector– NEW Color Harmonies– NEW GPU enhanced brushingMake a natural transition from traditional to digitalPainter 2020 offers realistic Natural-Media® and unique digital art brushes that dynamically respond to stylus movements and canvas textures, resulting in magnificently authentic brushstrokes. Best of all, there’s no waiting for paint to dry, no limit to media mixing, no running out of supplies, no toxins and no mess!An unparalleled photo art experienceLet the intuitive tools within Painter guide you through the transformation from a photo to a painted masterpiece. Rapidly paint a photo using the technology of SmartStroke™ Auto-Painting. Or grab a brush and hand paint the canvas using your photo as a clone source, while Painter magically pulls the photo colors through the bristles. Whatever your approach, the result will be momentous.Vast amounts of brushes and customization capabilitiesUnleash your creativity with 900+ brushes! Create with Painter’s revered traditional media and experience proprietary Dab Stencils, Dynamic Speckles, Particles and Pattern Pens brushes, plus so much more. Bring that extra special something to your artwork. Don’t stop there! You can also import brushes from other artists and create your own brush variations that produce a singular result.Time-saving performancePainter will keep up with every brushstroke, saving you valuable time! The Brush Accelerator™ utility scores your system and automatically applies the optimal Painter performance settings allowing GPU and CPU to ensure Painter can move at lightning speed. Benefit from the bonus functionality that tells you how to strategically upgrade your system to further improve Painter’s performance.《Painter数字绘画全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:


资源名称: Corel Painter 2020数字美术绘画软件V20.1.0.285版

本站编号:  ZH21130


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