 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Biomekk EnhanceC4D纹理着色器预设C4D插件V1.04.051版

本插件是关于Biomekk EnhanceC4D纹理着色器预设C4D插件V1.04.051版,大小:3 MB,包含178组预设,支持Cinema4D R20版软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Arnold渲染器是一款高级的、跨平台的渲染 API。

是基于物理算法的电影级别渲染引擎,目前由Solid Angle SL 开发。


Arnold渲染器是基于物理算法的电影级别渲染引擎,由Solid Angle SL 开发。


与传统用于 CG 动画的 scanline(扫描线)渲染器(Renderman)不同,Arnold 是照片真实、基于物理的光线追踪渲染器。

Arnold 使用前沿的算法,充分利用包括内存、磁盘空间、多核心、多线程、SSE 等在内的硬件资源。

Arnold 的设计构架能很容易地融入现有的制作流程。

它建立在可插接的节点系统之上,用户可以通过编写新的 shader、摄像机、滤镜、输出节点、程序化模型、光线类型以及用户定义的的几何数据来扩展和定制系统。

Arnold 构架的目标就是为动画及 VFX 渲染提供完整的解决方案。

Enhance:C4D is a set of 178 procedural 3D and 2D shaders for Cinema 4D. The complete shader set allows the creation of an infinite number of different textures, patterns and surfaces. In addition all of the textures parameters can be animated so that many different special effects can be generated.Display The Enhance:C4D Display shader includes 3 different display types for creating stylized displays like those on digital watches and clocks, scoreboards, bulletins and so on. Creates digital letters, numbers, and other characters.Distort The Enhance:C4D Distort shader includes 8 types of distortion which are applied to the input channel or sub-texture creating specialized effects such as kaleidoscope, pinch, polar, and others.Fractal The Enhance:C4D Fractal shader creates 15 different types of self-similar, fragmented forms.Geometric The Enhance:C4D Geometric shader includes 19 geometric shapes.Noise The Enhance:C4D Noise shader includes 29 types of noise.Organic The Enhance:C4D Organic shader creates 26 types of fantastically customizable organic surfaces and effects.Panels The Enhance:C4D Panels shader includes 6 types of panels for creating weathered panels, clean panels, panels with or without dirty (or clean) rivets.Skin The Enhance:C4D Skin shader includes 11 powerful types of skin for reptiles, humans, monsters and others forms flesh.Space The Enhance:C4D Space shader includes 15 different procedurals for all your sci-fi & outer space scenes.Tiles The Enhance:C4D Tiles shader creates 40 types of tiles and patterns for all your flooring and panelling needs.Water The Enhance:C4D Water shader includes 6 different types of water shaders for creating puddles, rain, bodies of water such as lakes or oceans, surf, and more.


资源名称: Biomekk EnhanceC4D纹理着色器预设C4D插件V1.04.051版

本站编号:  ZH21863


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