 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> iToo Software ForestPack Pro森林草丛植物生成3dsmax插件V6.1.5版

本插件是关于iToo Software ForestPack Pro森林草丛植物生成3dsmax插件V6.1.5版,大小:1.6 GB,支持3dsmax 2018-2019软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Forest Pack Pro (专业森林制作)是 Itoo 出品的一款可以让你在短时间内做出专业的大面积树林,草丛,人群等等的插件。

尤其在制作大场景的建筑动画,制作效果非常棒;它在普通的机器上一秒钟就可以创建出 50000 棵树木,且渲染速度奇快,是 3D Studio Max 和 3D Studio Viz 的高级专业森林植物插件;自带的 2D 树库,非常强大,从 3.6 版本开始,插件增加自带了 3D 树库,绝对堪称经典。

Forest Pack Pro (专业森林制作)要是与专业的 RailClone Pro (参数化建模)搭配制作大型环境场景,那将是极品中的极品,制作效果又快又好,可控性强,且自由度高,完全参数化操作,这二个插件都带有模块制作功能,可自由制作自己想要的参数化模块,对你的工作绝对是事半功倍的极品插件,值得拥有!视频预览:Libraries includedWhat’s new in Forest Pack 6.1.5Improvements– Added compatibility with V-Ray Next Update 1.– Improved stability with V-Ray IPR and added several improvement, including:– Added support for Viewport IPR mode.– Items now can be edited on Custom Edit mode while using V-Ray IPR.– Forest Color’s randomise by Element mode now works during IPR mode even when Display mode is set to Proxy.– Fixed a crash that occurred when hiding or isolating objects during a V-Ray IPR render.– When rendering using IPR mode in Corona, Forest Pack objects no longer disappear in the viewports.– Network Licenses are now released on New File and Reset events in Max.– Improved scattering performance and memory usage with small/medium distributions.– Improved performance when loading objects with high material ID values.– “LibraryDir” and “EffectsDir” can now be defined using environment variables (ITOO_SOFTWARE_FOREST_PACK_PRO_LIBRARYDIR, ITOO_SOFTWARE_FOREST_PACK_PRO_EFFECTSDIR ). They accept a single path entry.Fixes– Removed support for 3DS Max 2012. Forest Pack 6.1.5 is compatible with Max 2013 to 2019.– Fixed the alignment of the first item on closed splines when using Distribution by Path mode.– Fixed Distribution by Path using spacing zero generates the maximum number of items defined on Display limits.– Fixed an issue where animated Effects parameters were not updating correctly.– Fixed an error that occurred when configuration is defined by environment variables, but the HKCU registry branch doesn’t exist.– Fixed performance issue loading objects with high material ID values.– Fixed a crash that occurred when adding items in Custom Edit when Geometry List is empty.– Fixed a bug computing the hierarchy of Elements in Custom Objects (used for Forest Color/Edge Mode).


资源名称: iToo Software ForestPack Pro森林草丛植物生成3dsmax插件V6.1.5版

本站编号:  ZH21955


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