 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> MaxToC4D从3DMax模型导入C4D插件V4.01版

本插件是关于MaxToC4D从3DMax模型导入C4D插件V4.01版,大小:80 MB,支持Cinema4D R16 - R19版软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

MaxToC4D是一款非常强大插件,可以将3DS Max场景文件转为C4D工程,用来传输3DS MAX当前场景到C4D,只需2点击,3D Max模型导入C4D不再麻烦,自动解决导入/输出问题,以最快的方式,并以较少的努力得到最好的结果。

与传统的OBJ、FBX、ABC等解决方案不同,它可以更好地保留整个场景的信息,比如材质、灯光、动画等等,非常强大,可谓利器.操作十分简单1980476_orig.pngTHIS WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER, SPEED UP YOUR PRODUCTION, AND BRING YOU A NEW WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES.Transfer scene from 3DsMAX to C4D with 2 clicks!Vray Support! Transfer 3DsMax scene even if they have vray materials or lights (if vray for 3DsMax installed)Fast make C4D library from 3DsMax modelsOpen models made for 3DsMax and send them to C4DUse the powerfull 3DsMax modeling tools and instant transfer the scene to C4D with 2 clicksSend scene from 3DsMax to C4D and from there its easier to integrate to After Effects CC – Live Integration!And much more!maxtoc4d-v3-proxy-instances_1_orig.png演示视频:


资源名称: MaxToC4D从3DMax模型导入C4D插件V4.01版

本站编号:  ZH21987


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